To Do List

This week was back-to-school week.  I repeat, THIS WEEK WAS BACK-TO-SCHOOL WEEK!

To make clear what I am trying to say…this was a good week. Thirteen years, y’all. Thirteen years of quality time with the many children that call me Mom.


Don’t get me wrong, together the Man and I made the choice for me to stay at home rather than to work outside the home, and I have no regrets. I quit my job when Baby #1 was due, and in those beginning years, we made sacrifices. Looking back now…those were some really awesome years. No cell phones or portable devices of any kind, actually (exception being the “see-through” purple cordless phone from college that I contributed to our household); no cable or satellite TV; we had one car. We didn’t even have a digital camera when we became first-time parents (can you feel the pain of our sacrifices yet?). We took walks every evening with our baby strapped to us, because the precious little prince of the house did not much care for the stroller (or the carseat…or sleeping on his back…or being held in any way except for outward-facing).


We took rolls upon rolls of film to Walmart to be developed (and by the way, we used that word recently with our children, and they had no clue what we were talking about).

Those were good days.

But happy days are here again!

Our entire Jordan Bunch is enrolled in full-day school (also known as heaven on earth to their mother). I’m not gonna even spend the time to defend my stance on this, other than to say you would be so grateful too, if your kids had the same amazing educators pouring into them that my kids do. My kids are in a MUCH better place when they are at school than this free-for-all called Summer at Home.

For a minute, I considered living the Real Housewives kind of lifestyle now that I have seven whole hours  of freedom during the day…

…but then I realized how many items I could begin to check off my personal To-Do List!

1. Paint Little Girls’ room, finally. (They couldn’t agree on a wall color when we built this house, so they have been stuck with gray for two years; not to mention their “temporary” Walmart zebra bedding.)

2. Basement bar backsplash (and perhaps actually hang the art that has been leaning against the wall for at least a year.

3. Curtains. Yes, please.

4. Paint interior of mudroom cubbies, for a fun splash of color.  Any room with the word ‘mud’ in it could use some fun decor!

5. Super cool framing project for the big blank wall in the dining room.

6. Organize garage (I’ve come to realize this will never, ever happen).

7. Give the half-bath some real personality.

8. Clean grout in the kitchen (or find someone who will do so, payment being homemade cookies).

I will say this…I’m one blessed mama for sure. The Lord has surely blessed our family with a quiver-full of kiddos as well as the means for me to stay home with them. But I’m ’bout to get my DIY on, and I would love to work with you to check off your own To-Do list!

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